Tuesday, April 19, 2011

In Whom I Am Well Pleased

A group of my friends and i have decided to get together once a week to do a bible study . Our first one was last night and we are going thru the curriculum "Extraordinary- the life you were meant to live" by John Bevere. John Bevere is one of my favorite christian authors/speakers. He is so challenging and always backs up all of his thoughts with alot of scripture. I am very excited about the study but at the same time i am going into it knowing that it is definitely going to stretch me personally. I don't just want to read another book and go thru another study. I know that change only comes thru application. So I really want to apply the things I'm learning. Thats where it gets complicated!!! Anyways here's one of things that stood out to me from last night.

You cannot do one thing to make God LOVE you anymore or any less. Gods love for you is completely unconditional. BUT.... we are in control of how PLEASED God is with us.
Wow... what a thought provoking statement. My parents are awesome and I grew up knowing that no matter what i did or what choices I made they would always love me just the same. But i can definitely tell you there have been times in my life when they were not PLEASED with me. Although i couldn't control or change how much they loved me (that was already set in stone) I could control if they were pleased by my obedience. But not just my obedience but also by my attitude during my obedience. I know there were many times with my parents that i would obey what they told me to do but the attitude of my obedience didn't allow my parents to take full pleasure in what i had done. I really want to work on this when it comes to God. Don't misunderstand I'm not gong to run around trying to work and do things to get God to love me more but i do want to make sure that my life, my choices, my actions, and my attitude is PLEASING to Him. So this is just a little insight to what Im working on right now in my spiritual life!!!
 Now on a lighter note its been so long since I've written that i need to update everyone on the little peanut growing inside of me!  I am almost 22 weeks( just a little over half way there) and we have found out that we are indeed having a GIRL!!! Yay for shopping!!! We have decided to name her Eliana Kate Sanseverino. She is already consuming most of my daily thoughts and she's not even here yet! She is definitely beginning to make her presence known by her gentle kicks and nudges, and my ever growing baby bump! I cant wait to see her sweet face and get to know her little personality. Please be praying that everything continues to go smooth. I have had a picture perfect pregnancy so far and i know its due to all the prayers of my incredible family and friends!

Don't forget lets all make it our goal to live our lives in such a way that God would say about us " This is  my beloved servant. In whom I am well pleased!"